Jun 19, 20181 min readLethal by Sandra BrownI've owned a copy of Lethal for several years, but it's taken me quite a while to get around to reading it. To be honest, I didn't read...
Jun 19, 20181 min readShutter Island by Dennis LehaneI would be willing to bet that most of you have seen the film adaptation of Shutter Island. Being that I'm not much of a movie/TV person,...
Jun 19, 20181 min readThe Night Gardener by Jonathan AuxierThe Night Gardener tells the story of a pair of Irish orphans who seek employment at an English manor. Much like The Turning of the Screw...
Jun 19, 20181 min readBurnt Black by Ed KovacsWhile the story kind of redeemed itself at the end, I wouldn't recommend Burnt Black. In fact, I'll never read another one of Kovacs'...
Jun 19, 20181 min readMistletoe Murder by Leslie MeierLucy is a wife and the mother of three young children, juggling Cub Scouts and PTA meetings, baking Christmas cookies, and playing host...
Jun 19, 20181 min readThe Skeleton Paints a Picture by Leigh PerryLast fall I read The Skeleton Haunts a House. This year I've been lucky enough to receive The Skelton Paints a Picture for review....
Jun 19, 20181 min readTurkey Trot Murderby Leslie Meier With an 'empty nest' this holiday, local newspaper reporter Lucy Stone busies herself training for a 5K run on Thanksgiving Day. While...
Jun 19, 20181 min readA Catered Costume Party by Isis CrawfordDarius Witherspoon is a man who has just "made the discovery of a lifetime." He has his sights set on being famous and rich, independent...