The Doll House

Corinne and her boyfriend, Dominic are making their final attempt to start a family with the help of IVF. Having just lost her father less than a year earlier, coupled with all of her longing and uncertainty, Corinne is an emotional wreck.
Corinne's sister, Ashley is a married mother of three. Her life seems pretty ideal, but her husband is home less and less, her children are running her ragged, and she can't help but wish her youngest had been a boy so that she could have named him after her father.
That's when the phone begins ringing with a silent caller on the other end. Ashley starts to wonder if these calls could be connected to her husband's absence.
Corinne keeps a few secrets, one of them being that she flips through the pages of fertility guidebooks. She can't bare what people would think or the look of pity that she would see on their faces if they knew.
When Corrine begins to discover dollhouse miniatures on her porch she finds them reassuring. Maybe this is a sign that she will finally have a child of her own. The miniatures remind her of the dollhouse given to her and her sister by their architect father when they were children, but Corrine soon comes to the startling understanding that some unknown person must have found their way inside her home.
The Doll House is a fast-paced thriller that begs to be read in one evening. I love that there is an unknown narrator also weaving their story through that of Corinne and Ashley's. Read this one on Halloween night!
I would like to thank HQ Digital for allowing me to review this book.
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