Cal Weaver is a middle-aged man, completely controlled by his grief at the loss of his son. He's been relentless in his search for answers. How will he and his wife ever move forward? How will they ever be happy again?
Cal knows it's stupid to pick up a hitchhiker at night, especially when they're a teenage girl standing alone in front of a bar, but when they tap on your window and say they knew your son... when you're desperate for answers... that makes it a lot harder to make the right decision.
Cal lets her inside his car, and they soon stop at a local small business, but when he and the girl get back into his car something has changed. It's not the same girl! He's sure of it. So, he calls her on her deception, but she flees into the night, leaving him with more questions than answers.
A Tap on the Window is one of the best books I've read this year. It's a masterfully written chain of cause and effect. Everything is linked together, and it's up to you and Mr. Weaver to discover the truth.